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Informing businesses on creating a website to grow with technology...

Dumb AI is pushing out good UX

A cautionary tale about the Washington Post. Continue reading on UX Collective » Facial expressions don’t always reveal true emotions — but that hasn’t stopped AI from trying to analyze them anyway. “How emotion recognition software strengthens dictatorships and threatens democracies”, source Imagine walking into a classroom where AI-powered cameras track students’ facial expressions, rating their attentiveness and …

What We Do

Using digital website marketing and development, My Tech Manager turns a website from an expense into a profit machine for your business. Get in touch today and let us create or redesign a website for your business. Leave the website design and digital marketing to us while your focus on growing your business stress free.

My Tech Manager
An ITcev LLC Service

9805 Statesville Road
Suite 6270
Charlotte, NC 28269
(704) 668-0785


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